ND and Nutrition: Why You Need to Embrace a Holistic Outlook

Nutrition impacts how we think, feel, learn, and go about our daily lives. There is now an increased focus on an integrated approach to nutrition for neurodivergents as we’re seeing the benefits of considering that broader nutrition picture in relation to neurodivergence and mental health.
What is Integrative Nutrition?
Integrative nutrition is a way for us to treat the whole person using personalised diets and lifestyle improvements instead of troubleshooting isolated functions and systems. This holistic approach can help to bring your health back into balance. It can lower environmental stressors and increase the needed nutrients and minerals through proper nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle improvements. With an eye toward awareness of food, integrative nutrition works at guiding overall lifestyle changes that help to balance all aspects of self-care.
As integrative nutrition is used in conjunction with a traditional medical plan, it is a useful tool in a holistic approach to health. Food is just one way we can nourish our bodies to get proper rest and sleep. It also helps to improve our positive body and self-image and stress management.
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Benefits of Integrative Nutrition to Neurodivergents
One of the main benefits of an integrative nutrition approach is that it helps you to take control when things tend to feel just the opposite. Because you’re following a plan, you’re more likely to stick with it long-term.
While genetics are a major contributor to neurodiverse conditions, the food we eat can factor in neurodevelopmental issues. A diet that is high in fat can affect how brain synapses fire, changing how people learn and grow. As more is learned about the connection between gut health and brain development, researchers find commonalities between diet and neurodiverse conditions. Infant nutrition is critical in developing good gut microbiota, which can play a protective role in brain development, because by the time a child reaches age 3, an adult-like structure is established in the gut.
Research has shown that nutritional deficiencies are marked in children with neurodivergent conditions and that targeted diet and food plans can help reduce the effects. Sometimes it is a lack of nutrient intake. But it can also be attributed to an inability to digest or convert nutrients on a cellular level. Some of the more common deficiencies include essential fatty acids, folic acid, fat soluble vitamins, taurine, and B vitamins. These can play key roles in brain and gut health, so correcting deficiencies is crucial to reduce symptoms and increase recovery. Finding the correct plan of nutrition, supplements, and possible lifestyle changes is a critical step. It is important towards replenishing functionality and recovering from symptoms of neurodiverse conditions.
These plans are designed not just to treat symptoms but take into account the prevention of other illnesses and diseases. Understanding your intrinsic strengths and lining them up with your environment becomes a core pillar in your healthcare plan.
Integrative Nutrition with Neurodivergence in Practice
Dr. James Greenblatt has seen firsthand how much gut and mental health are interconnected. As a leading expert and author on all things integrative medicine, he has helped his patients to take charge of their health and realise how much nutrition is an integral part of their recovery and treatment. Dr. Greenblatt’s book Finally Focused: The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan for ADHD That Restores Attention, Minimizes Hyperactivity, and Helps Eliminate Drug Side Effects gives a comprehensive guide on holistic treatment as a way to help children with ADHD thrive.
Dr. Shalleen Barendse is an expert in understanding autism biotypes and the underlying nutritional issues behind the symptoms. She looks into bioindividualised nutritional strategies for ASC neurodivergents, helping with diet and lifestyle tips. These can help with the food and diet issues that arise with ASD, like food intolerance, feeding problems, and other sources of nutrient deficiencies. Dr. Barendse also runs the Nutrigenomic Medicine Center which gives ultra-individualised results by using genetics along with environmental factors as a way to read the past in order to help write the future. She uses her testing procedures, and background gathered to build an individualised plan based on your unique genetic and biochemical “fingerprint.” This can be crucial in helping you to set up your treatment. It also increases the chances you can be successful in achieving your health goals.
Whole Person Approach
Integrative nutrition treats the person as a whole through a tailored nutritional guide and health plan. The focus should always be on how you can better understand your health. While also preparing for any health challenges you may face. That means accounting for other aspects like:
- Psychological
- Educational
- Lifestyle
- Medical conditions and traits
- Traditional medicine’s preventative, diagnostic, and treatment care to understand your health. They also better prepared for any health challenges you may face.
A holistic strategy or treatment with a whole person approach may help in multiple ways, such as Dr. Greenblatt’s work on interventions for anorexia, binge eating disorder (BED), and other eating disorders that can often co-occur with ADHD, while also supporting focus in learning environments and other ADHD symptoms.
This aim for tailored and adjustable focus in integrative nutrition plans is impactful. This is because individual tastes, lifestyles, resource availability, possible co-occurring conditions, and more can create unique sets of needs for many Neurodivergents.
What parts of integrative nutrition or a more integrative and holistic approach have you tried? Are there any resources or content you would like to see about specific nutritional advice? Share with us in the community!
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