Is It True, What People Say About ADHD?

The label of lazy. What does it mean for kids with ADHD? What is actually going on? We need to understand what is it that this child is unable to do because of a deficit, brain-based challenge due to executive dysfunction, for example in difficulty in planning ahead or organise because their pre-frontal cortex is developing slower than other children.
Is it true, what people say about ADHD?
What is it a child want to do, but can’t due to executive function challenges? We definitely mislabel that a lot of the time.
But what can a child do but doesn’t want to do?
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Your Child is Not Lazy, Unmotivated or Careless, says two Paediatric Neuropsychologists
Yakini Pierce, a parent advocate on Instagram @adhdlove2020, interviewed Drs. Katia Fredriksen and Yael Rothman, who are Pediatric Neuropsychologists that practice outside of the DC area in the US.
Their focus is the brain behaviour relationships. Even though they are trained as clinical psychologists, they focus on the assessment piece. They assess, diagnose and recommend different treatments.
In this 1 minute snippet of their video interview, they talked about some misconceptions when talking about ADHD and how people can find factual information.
Do you want to hear the full interview? Sign up to the Aybe app and watch the full length interview in the article in app and let us know what you think. Find out what it means for your child to be labelled careless, lazy, unmotivated or sloppy. The more we understand about ADHD, the more you’ll learn compassionate for your child’s or your own neurodivergence.
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